Marion Brown's Le Temps Fou (Musique du film de Marcel Camus), originally released in 1969. Marion Brown, who moved to Europe two years earlier than 1969, and records, in the legendary Parisian studio Davout, the soundtrack of the movie by Marcel Camus entitled Le Temps Fou. The movie starred Nino Ferrer was out in 1970 under the title Un été sauvage. Fallen into oblivion, Le Temps Fou was printed in very few copies and is almost impossible to find in its original pressing.
Marion Brown - alto sax, bells Gunter Hampel - vibes, bass clarinet, tree bells
Ambrose Jackson - trumpet cow bells, tambour Barre Phillips - contra basse, castanetes, whistle Steve McCall - drums, triangle, tambour Alain Corneau - claves, cow bells.
A1Le Temps Fou5:20 A2Cascatelles5:35 A3Song For Serge And Helle6:40 B1Boat Rock4:59 B2Ye Ye6:08 B3En Arrière11:31