Brannten Schnüre - Muschelsammlung LP

Brannten Schnüre - Muschelsammlung LP

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Brannten Schnüre is just one of the many project by Christian Schoppik. Who is also one of the two musicians behind Diamantener Oberhof. Together with Katie Rich he plays haunting dark psychedelic folk music as Brannten Schnüre.

inspired by the likes of Nico, Novy Svet and David Jackman the duo create dreamy soundscapes with traditional instruments, looped obscure recordings (including crackles) and eerie vocals… sometimes song based but often more drone or collage like… with their music they pour a surreal world out over you...

Each track carries the name of a seashell.


A1 Das jungfräuliche Ohr
A2 Die Milchlinse 
A3 Das flache Sonnenhorn (Listen)
A4 Die magellanische Pyramide mit violettem Auge
A5 Die geschändete Venus (Listen)
A6 Das wilde Flämmchen

B1 Das glatte nackte Wickelkind (Listen)
B2 Der kleinere mit gefleckten Linien umgebene Papillonsflüge
B3 Die grüne scharfe Seehundshaut
B4 Das lange blaßgrüne und feingestreifte Elephantenzähnchen
B5 Der Schlangenbund
B6 Die See-Orgel

Artwork design by Maaike
Hand-carved stamps by Maaike
Mastering by Ruud Lekx
33 rounds per minute

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